What You'll Need
- Coffee: 15g (adjust to taste). Grind to a medium-fine consistency (like table salt).
- Filtered water: 250ml (or 16.7g water per gram of coffee if scaling).
- Brewing method: V60, Chemex, or Kalita Wave work brilliantly.
- Kettle: Ideally with a gooseneck spout for precision.
- Timer and scale: For consistency.
Step-by-Step Brewing
Heat the water
- Bring filtered water to 94°C (just off the boil).
- If you lack a thermometer, boil the kettle and let it sit for 30 seconds.
Prep your equipment
- Rinse your filter with hot water to remove any paper taste and preheat your brewer. Discard the rinse water.
Weigh and grind
- Weigh out 15g of coffee.
- Grind to medium-fine – aim for consistency like sea salt.
Add coffee
- Place your ground coffee into the prepped filter. Level it out gently by shaking the brewer.
Bloom (first pour)
- Start the timer. Pour 30-50ml of water (twice the weight of coffee) over the grounds.
- Ensure all grounds are evenly saturated. Let it bloom for 30-45 seconds to release trapped gases and enhance flavour.
Main pour
- Pour the remaining water in slow, steady circles, avoiding the sides of the filter.
- Aim to finish pouring by 1:45–2:00 minutes.
- Allow the coffee to finish dripping through. Total brew time should be around 3:00–3:30 minutes.
Serve and enjoy
- Swirl the brewed coffee in your carafe or mug to mix the layers.
- Savour the clean, crisp apple acidity, nutty undertones, and that gentle kiss of berry.
Tips for Perfecting Your Brew:
- If the coffee tastes too sour or weak, try a finer grind or slightly more coffee.
- If it tastes bitter or heavy, try a coarser grind or slightly less coffee.
- Experiment with your coffee-to-water ratio based on personal preference.